Saturday, February 5, 2011

top secret report in the UNSC

 Today the UNSC was doing a session on the North Korean issue, when suddenly an article popped up. With the words top secret emblazoned out in the front, this article which was indeed top secret itself. The al Jazeera press had been able to get the information, but because of pressure from the chair, we were not able to publish it before.
“Please note that we have reason to believe that allegations of Kim Jong II's illness may be completely false. Word has reached Paris that North Korean diplomatic documents are using "illness" as a codeword, indicating that it may have a secondary meaning. This may be a ploy designed to inflame US and Japan into a state of military readiness on the peninsula and precipitate an unnecessary conflict. Kim may be attempting to simply get the West strike first, justifying any "retaliation" movements.” ,was the exact keywords in the whole document.
                                                                                            Vishnu A. Nair