The cultural night that was held on the 5th of February was not only an exhibition of cultural and ethnic diversity from different countries ready to show off their talents and skills, it was stress free night.
The culture night, which was held in the tent outside the Doha Marriot Hotel, was one that exposed the delegates to equal amount of splendor and fun. Though there was no competition, each country was ready to give away a truck load chocolates and to express some of their tradition to others. The delegates distributed pamphlets, chocolates, coins, flags and several other mementos, each intended to remind delegates of their respective nations.A large amount of people did not fail to dress up. Pictures taken represent only a fraction of the people who did so. There were loads of people who represented several nations, through dress as well as by their actions. Many people managed to get all sorts of hats from different stalls. The delegates were even given the ability to pose as Mona Lisa at the Italian stall. It was a great surprise when the DJ announced it- A DANCE PARTY!!
But more than the delegates, it was the chairs that had a lot of fun. The chairs danced and, well, partied along with the other delegates. There were also dances that represented each country. The green land- Pre Vert International School, which was unable to be present because of the situation in Egypt, was successfully represented by another student.
“Party, party and more PARTY!!” said a delegate. “This is the best party I have been to, and the best party I have ever attended.” When asked why, the delegate of Greece said that “It is international. What else can be the reason?” This was probably the most honest statement made that night. Vishnu A. Nair
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